all news shall be posted here about »WßP°
Clan news:
As of monday the 7th july »WßP° has moved into UT2004 and we are currently looking for members and server for »WßP° to use and if you have any interests then please go to our forum and ask to join. As we have newly gone into UT2004 we will be accept most skill type aslong as your not to crap
Greetz Hitrae / DnG
Clan news :
I have made a logo but will not upload to site -.- here it is :
Clanwar news :
We faced Ui again in a 3v3 two maps and got beaten due to bad teamwork, tatics etc
i26.tinypic.com/5aq6gj.png - CTF-Bloxeh
i31.tinypic.com/15g6ql1.png - CTF -Geothermal
Clanwar news :
We faced Ui in a 2v2 funwar and won here is the screenshot :
i27.tinypic.com/anojtv.jpg -CTF-Bloxeh |