UT2003 Community
Here are all the clans in ut2003 active and inactive, tags, meanings, leaders and websites.

So if your looking for clans and there sites/forums here is the place

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Every clan in UT2003 and site ©

ÀìM°»= Always in Memory=AìM*»[årñäl«=Inactive = http://a-i-m.forumotion.com/index.htm

çM°»= chaotic Mercenaries=çM°»zodiac =inactive = http://www.freewebs.com/cmclan08/

{SWAT}= specialized warriors attack team= {SWAT} Neo=inactive = No site

{DA}= Dark Angels= {DA} Rankz=inactive= http://www.freewebs.com/da2007/

{S*A}= Silent Assassins={S*A} Broly=inactive = No site

F$ = Fragstorm = inactive =

»°FW°« = Frag Whores = »°FW°«Shove = Inactive = http://fragwhores.forum5.com/index.php

«°TU°» =The Unknown=«°TU°»falco = inactive = http://theunknown.bbactif.com/

LoV = League of Vengeance = LoV°fx306 = Inactive

.| = Divinity = .|Remy = inactive = http://teamdivinity.bbactif.com/portal.htm

XGC| = Xtreme Gaming Clan = XGC|Sky = Inactive = http://clanxgc.hightoxic.com/index.htm

$àbç° = Inactive =

»WsH» = we survived hell = »WsH»Crack = inactive = http://users.telenet.be/wshclan/ (2k4)

OT7 =  Ownage team 7 = OT7/$másh / OT7/Focus = Inactive

°Wø* = Inactive =

=Ñß/°» = Inactive

=[SZ]= = Inactive

Gø = Inactive

øN° = Inactive =

<DARK> = Dark = <DARK~VERTIGO> = Inactive = http://dark-clan.forumactif.com/

(A.S.S)= American supreme soldiers (A.S.S) RIPPER=inactive = http://forums.assgaming.com/index.php ( 2k4)

*oWz*= *oWz*D4X/*oWz*Hop=active = http://owz-clan.forumpro.fr/index.htm

[BKZ]= black killing zone= [BKZ] Goku=active = http://www.bkz-clan.com/main2/index.php

[GSC]= German sniper clan=Inactive = http://www.sniperbude.de/index.php?site=forum_topic&topic=3  (2k4)

{UA}= Unreal Association= {UA} Rouden=inactive = http://uagenius.ua.funpic.org/index.php?site=news

»æL|«= alpha Elite legends= »æL|«Tyr3ll=active = http://alphaelite.conceptbb.com/


PøëTz=Pride Ownage Excellence Teamwork=active = http://poet.10.forumer.com/index.php

6P_= sixpack=6P_Gringo=active = http://www.6pclan.de/


«L¿øñ$»=«L¿øñ$»Judge =active = http://www.team-lions.com

~NN~= ~NN~Sch@dy=inactive


nM*»= no mercy=nM*»Luzifier=Inactive = http://www.nmclan.de.ki/?toolbar=f

«]DTK[»=Designed-To-Kill=«]DTK[»Blower= active = http://www.dtkclan.nl/

<{UI}>= unreal immortals =active = http://z11.invisionfree.com/CapsOnlineCommunity/index.php?

ñX» = Neurotic X-periance=ñX»necro=Inactive = http://www.nx-clan.de.ms/ (CSS)

inQ °= inQ °master= inactive = http://www.inqclan.com/

L»= legend=L»Valcom=Inactive = http://legendclan101.clangrid.com/main.asp

~SøL~= spirit of losers= active = http://sol.roxorgamers.com/

(B.A.D)= (B.A.D)sith= Inactive = No site

[N]= nightfall= [N]>Aeon =inactive = No site

[FS]= firestorm= inactive = No site

Oxygenix=inactive = No site

Ë.D = Eternal Domination = Inactive

[MSF]= Messiahs of Sovereign Fire =inactive = No site

sD°= sudden death=~sD°Ód¿ñ~=inactive = http://reekwon.re.funpic.de/

[USSR]=Inactive = No site

$C= soul collectors =inactive = No site

.MP7=inactive = No site

vVv =inactive = No site

sH= super heroes=inactive = http://sh-clan.niceboard.biz/

{ROTA}=inactive = No site

»*AoS*«= area of soldiers =inactive = http://www.team-aos.de/

Pro* / nXs=No Entry= Pro*Lord, Pro*KeYs and Pro*OwnzZ =Inactive = http://www.nxs-clan.com (2k4)

*MR*= mr=MR.Rapier=active = http://mr-clan.heavenforum.com/index.htm

[AwK]= Aardvark warrior Klan =[AwK]Eggs=Inactive = http://awklan.com/Nuke/html/?name=News&new_topic=4

>>Rp= active = No site

NsN// = Not so Noobies = NsN//Kaloma = Inactive = http://www.woopie.nl/nsn/

[F’R]= Fraggin roo’s =active = No site

[$]=Dollar clan=[$]Chriss =active = No site

{*HO*}= active = No site

»WßP°=Warriors balance of power=»WßP°Hitrae, »WßP°Neutral=Active = http://wbp.10.forumer.com/index.php

úF=Unreal Freaks=Genesis. úF, Luzifier. úF=Inactive = http://www.unreal-freaks.com/ (2k4)

[EUR]=Active = No site

R¡P»=Rest in Peace=R¡P»$eph, R¡P»toupz=Active = http://restinpeace.phpbb9.com/index.forum

.cR = The crusaders = Ork.cR, Smash.cR = Active = http://crusadersclan.forum2go.nl/

eXe = eXe.Kox = Active = http://www.exe-clans.yoyo.pl/news.php

g0 = Generation zero = g0*Soul, g0*Shini = http://gen0-clan.forummotion.com/index.htm

«G!N» = «Glory» «!s» «Nothing» = «G!N»Falcon = http://ginclan.phpbb24.com/forum/index.php

»BB. = »BB.KiNkY = Best Boyz = Active = http://www.bbclan.kilu.de/index.php?site=news

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